Movement Mag 21, VERT 83, Three Sixty 72

Movement Mag issue 21 is out now, with heaps of sick shots and words. It taste like this: Movement, issue 21 – A glimpse at the future while we revisit the past. We’ve rolled a completely new format for this issue, printing landscape for the first time in the mag’s history. It makes sense because of all the shots we print each issue the overriding majority are shot landscape, meaning we’re always having to battle gutters in the middle of the page and cut out shots because there’s never enough room. Now free from the burden of having to fit square pegs in round holes we’re running more shots in the same amount of space, without having to resort to postage stamp inserts. So check it out and let us know what you think, email with any feedback.
As for living in the past, well this is the 21st issue and to celebrate we’ve dug through the archives and sourced a bunch of shots and stories that never aired in their heyday. Cool insights into the people and places that have made this magazine and the sport it survives on.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, some gear that will no doubt leave your jaw hanging loosely while your eyes try to digest the magnitude of the waves being ridden by that old crew of crazies from WA. Chad Jackson and Brad Hughes up the ante once more and leave us all gagging at the prospect of just how big guys are willing to go these days. We also gauge the new gen on our grom trip and splash a profile with the ever colourful Mason Rose.

Make sure you peep the cover here and also watch the teaser here on Youtube. We’ll upload the Teaser on the Spongercity Podcast this week, as well as the HELLO teaser, Draw Teaser and more stuff to keep you busy at school, in the bus, in the planes and at work. (all vids on the podcast are compatible iPods et iPhones, check the Podcast section of the site to learn more if you don’t understand anything).

VERT Mag issue 83 is also out in Portugal with “A portuguese rider on the cover feeling good in Super Suck, Indonesia. Inside we also reveal 13 new boards for the winter season, feature some tow-out time with Hugo Pinheiro & friends and introduce seven new young guns from “da house”!”. We’ll receive it soon at the Spongercity HQ and although we don’t understand a word of Portuguese we always dig the sick shots and neat design of the Mag. Hehe. Check the cover here.

Oh and Three Sixty issue 72 is also out in the UK. Good issue with heaps of shots from Oz, mutant slabs everywhere, sick trip and shots from Ireland and more… Peep their website here: Three Sixty Web Site.

1 Comment

  aaron dinham wrote @ December 12th, 2007 at 9:08 am

check out and make sure you check out the forums

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