RIP Buzz Morasca

Just heard about the passing of Buzz Morasca and had to post something. Buzz was an absolute legend of the sport, innovator and skilled shaper & manufacturer who founded Toobs Bodyboards in California back around ‘88. People don’t understand how influencial Buzz has been and how his shaping methods and laminators machines (Buzz Laminator Technologies™) have revolutionized how hi-end boards were built. Without Buzz chances are you wouldn’t be riding a hi-end board today. Without going too much into detailed, most hi-quality boogieboards today (with the exception of a few skillful shapers) are made with Buzz laminators and using Buzz techniques which have proved to be unmatched and unrivaled. The way Buzz laminated boards, drilled boards cores for stringers and innovated the way to build a proper boogieboard is out of this world. Even Toobs fins have been some of the best in the industry for years and i won’t surf without them any day. Buzz – which i met in person a few times in Morro Bay, CA – has always been helpful and been supportive and nice, providing great custom boards, showing me & friends the Toobs factory, introducing us to the team who worked with him and the Toobs shapers the past 25 years. My deepest condolences to Buzz family and friends. Thanks for your immense contribution to the sport and your kindness.

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