Archive for Industry

Science wetsuits hit Oz

Science is releasing its new range of wetsuits for 2008, hitting Oz super soon. No details about the suits hitting more countries at the moment but we’ve seen some in the US and Europe in 2007 so the suits will very likely be available “worldwide” soon we reckon. Anyway, they look good and comfy and here’s what came with the press release: 2 fullsuit pictures, 1 spring suit with long sleeve pic, 1 spring suit with short sleeve, and 1 rashie.

oh and a little text came with the press release too:

Science is proud to announce its wetsuit line is about to be released into the Australian market for Winter 08.

Science brand manager Chris Apps said the wetsuits are incredibly comfortable and super warm

“The suits are specifically dialled in for bodyboarding from head to toe, they feature functional design features such as super stretch neoprene, revolutionary ripcord entry system, flex arm grips and hip grips and the suits also have a very competitive price tag”.

Mike Stewart is equally as pleased to see the suits hitting the market in Australia: “I have gone through a lot of wetsuits in my career, some were a little better than others but none were specific for bodyboarding. I am stoked that they are finally hitting the shores of Australia”.

The suits are due to hit major bodyboarding stores at the end of March. The line includes a 3/2 GBS steamer, L/S spring, S/S spring, Neoprene vests and long and short sleeve rash vests.

Quick news update

A bodyboard picture was awarded with the 3rd place in the action sports category in the prestigious world press photo. It’s a pic of the Sumol Nazaré Special Edition (portuguese contest with freakin huge waves), it was taken by portuguese photographer Miguel Barreira. Unreal picture !

The Pipe contest in Hawaii is about to start, and it looks like the conditions are gonna be big and clean from what the forecast says. What a cool way to start the 2008 IBA tour ! Peep the IBA Site for more news and full forecast report.

Industry / Sponsor change news: Ryan Mattick is now riding for 4PLAY boards and will soon have a pro-model. Yewwww.

Spongercity news: our server was pretty slow today, sorry for the inconvenience, it’s getting better though and should be fine tomorrow. We’re on a mission with DVD reviews this week and should finish reviewing DRAW, THERE IS NO I, INSERT NAME HERE and HOW TO between now and this week-end. All reviews we’ve done are archived here by the way, in case you never clicked on the REVIEWS button in the nav bar. Doh.

New Crysis mag and new boards by Cartel and 4Play

Crysis Mag issue 13 is about to hit the shelves. Peep the cover here. Mag is thicker, with a different format and a wider distribution. Sick Dk cover and sick Toobs feature inside. Looks like TOOBS is taking over the US market once again with a sick team, sick boards and top notch customer service.

Talking about boards, our buddies at CARTEL just sent us the new FC Cartel Board for 2008, designed by french waterman and all around rider Fred Compagnon and PMA. Sick board, really polyvalent and optional crazy nose rocker available. Check it out here.

One more cool board tech news is the 4PLAY new core technology called Fusion Core developped by Dallas Singer and 4Play head shaper Reon Fisher. The Fusion Core, unlike most gimmicks, seems to be a really good idea: the board’s core is composed of 55% of PP and 45% of PE core. The bottom 55% is PP, the top 45% is PE, so it’s flexy under your elbows and stiffer toward the tail to keep the board fast. Sounds like a good prone board thing. The first batch of Dallas Singer fusion core boards just hit the Oz market as we write this.

Aussie aussie aussie

Yeah i’m in oz as i write this, getting sun burns on the goldie at the moment, and hoping Sydney will treat me well next week. So far so good, not much waves though. Sorry for lagging on DVD reviews, we’ll add more of those when the oz trip is over. We watched Draw, pretty impressive, as well as “There’s no i” and “Insert name here” which are great vids too.

Talking about oz, oz super star Andrew Lester just signed with Morey Boogieboards, so we read on Movement Mag and Riptide Mag’s blog.

Other than that nothing too crazy this month in the boogie world. Everyone’s waiting for the pipe comp to start in Feb. and we hope hawaii will deliver and riders can start 2008 in good conditions at the banzai pipeline.

5-South Best In The West DK Contest and Industry news

5-SOUTH has its BEST IN THE WEST dk contest going on this week end in South California. Was scheduled in Seaside Reef but will eventeually be held at Ponto. Should be a great contest with heaps of good riders from SoCal, the 805 and more. A crew vs. crew format with probably Roach, Roldan, Vargas and more dk superstars. I’m sure the 5-SOUTH guys will post a video of the contest as soon as it’s over. Can’t wait to watch this !

Talking about DK, note that SCIENCE is releasing a DK board under the name: DK5, here’s a pic we found on the 805 message board. Looks cool but no details about the available size, rail ratio, core and stuff. Also no details about Mike Stewart drop kneeing on it. [smiley goes here, of course]

Note that we’ll release Dot Dot Dash, There is no i, Insert Name here, Happy Days, How To, and Transfer Mag DVD reviews in the upcoming days / weeks and more podcast clips. Movement 21 video teaser is now on the podcast by the way.

We spotted more websites having fun copying our shit, ripping the news off, using the same exact news tags and stuff than us. Not that we’re going paranoid, but you should get your shit together, get a life, stop ripping shit off people and start doing something with your own 2 hands instead of waiting for someone to do it for you and then copy. Karma will get ya !

New NF site

NF re-designed their website which kinda looks like their online store now, with an improved news system…

Check it out here:

Merry xmas, happy holidays and stuff

Hey all, merry xmas, happy holidays (for those who have some) !

Heaps of news just in time for christmas. Riptide issue 161 is out, peep the cool cover here and make sure you get it coz there’s a DVD inside, “Around the World in 40 days”. Check the Riptide site and the pictures of the trip, you’ll be frothing. We’ll review the DVD as soon as we get our copy. Make sure you read all latest news from the rippies site, there’s heaps of cool things to read and see. We’re not gonna copy/paste the news so go there and read them.

We got a cool email today from portuguese videographer Vasco Figueiredo who filmed some of the massive pits of the Sumol Nazare 07 Edition which you might have heard about if you’re from portugal or if you read it somewhere else. We’re not from portugal but from what we’ve seen Portugal is definitely one of the biggest bodyboard nations after Australia. They’re got heaps of talented riders, a good magazine to read, motivated people, sponsors and they’re making it happen. So go on youtube, forget what you’ve read about europe and euro contests, and enjoy a few video clips from Vasco:
- link one:
- link two:
- link three:
- Vasco’s page on youtube for more clips: Profile: VascoFigueiredo

Link number 2 shows the massive pits from the Sumol Nazare contest. “Biggest waves ever ridden on a portuguese wave championship”. Luis Pereira got first, Pierre Louis Costes second, Manuel Centeno third. For more check:

Here are some pictures from the contest that VERT mag sent us: One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

Last but not least: for Xmas, treat yourself well and get yourself and your friends a Mickey Smith Calendar and a Spongercity Tshirt and Cap. ha ! No kidding, we still have some tees and caps. Very few caps. Check the Store here for more info. Free stickers and badges with every order. Free shipping with all orders. We’ve sent some to the UK, OZ, France, Portugal, the US so far so keep the orders coming, we’re ready !

Last minute industry note: Eddie Solomon rides for NMD boards now.

Better decks soon ?

We got a cool press release from Nomad telling us they found a new deck skin technology. They call it WATER BARRIER SKIN (WBS) and it’s available on their 07/08 F.S.D. Ultimate model.

Water Barrier Skin (WBS) has been developed to increase the strength of deck skin of your board by heat laminating a high tensile strength film to the surface of bare deck foam skin.

This barrier provides protection from the elements your board is exposed to, sunlight, sea water, and sand. It also provides surface protection from cuts, punctures, and scratches by dispersing pressure from the rider and effectively prevents indentations to the surface of the bodyboard, reducing the level of wear and tear your board receives.

WBS provides structural stability as a rider flexes or torques the board. With a specially designed embossed pattern on the film, WBS also helps to provide added texture for improved grip. This texture gives the board a unique visual quality when light hits it that is unsurpassed in the bodyboard industry.

Here’s picture of the Nomad FSD Ultimate WBS board.

By the way, Aussie bbers, dont miss the ROAM dvd premiere presented by Nomad. Check the dates and details here on the poster. 14th and 15th of Dec. Gold coast and Wollongong premieres.

Kyle Maligro officially back on the Toobs team

Yewwwww. Kyle Maligro who has been riding for Toobs back in the days and then rode for BZ for a while is now back on the Toobs team with a new killer board model. It’s got his old logo on it and i’m already frothing looking at the board. As Kyle said, it’s “Good to be back with the Toobs family.”

New F1 Distribution (SCIENCE) website

SCIENCE eventually got themselves a new website thru F1 DISTRIBUTION in the USA. F1 is the exclusive distributor for SCIENCE boards and gear in the US. It’s Mike Stewart and Chris Hilton’s company. Peep the new website, you’ll be able to check all the new board range for 2008, with different angles, views and pics. It’s clean, simple and effective.

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