Archive for Moving Pictures

IBA news and more…

The Human Shark Island Challenge (IBA event) is coming soon and everything you need to know about the event is here on the IBA site. But that’s not all, you’ll be able to watch the event LIVE on the Shark Island website (IBA LIVE) right here. That’s sick !

The Shark Island Challenge will start with the N°6 Trials. Riders from over 9 countries will be lining up against the best in Australia. An expected field of around 130 will contest the three-day event set down for June 27th – 29th at Cronulla Point.

So what does the “more…” stands for in this post title you’re gonna ask ? Uh well, we found a few cool sites / blogs and stuff to visit the last couple days, so we’ll end this post with some link love:

First is the Press Play Film MySpace page, which has 2 cool little teasers to peep. Second is the Claws and Teeth blog on blogger that has heaps of cool stuff to watch and read. We also liked the new TURBO DESIGNS website and the Eppo’s Blog on blogger.

NMD and VS making it happen

NMD launches NMDtv, an internet based video division that will showcase the many talents of the NMD and VS teams. Over the coming months, in association with BOOM! bodyboarding Podcast (Waldron Bros), NMDtv will release progressive podcast episodes of the recent team trip to Indonesia, showcasing all the sessions, interviews and out-takes with NMD team riders Ben Player, Dave Winchester, Joe Clarke, Max Arent, Thorpe Waleuw and Charlie Holt. Also staring the VS project riders Mitch Rawlins, Ryan Hardy and Pierre-Louis Costes. Be sure to keep an eye out for brand new episodes launching monthly on Boom! bodyboarding.
First up on NMDtv is Joe Clarke. To Download and subscribe go here or click here to go directly to iTunes.

We already watched the Joe Clarke stuff and it’s super duper. We got to see Joe surf last month in Indo while we were there and now seeing the complete footage on the podcast is sick. Smooth style and perfect leg crossed reverse’s.

Here is a photo preview of the Joe Clarke Profile and NMDtv clips: The NMD and VS crew in Bali last month, a cool Winny invert, Joe Clarke making friends, and Padang Padang

Vortex and Catch Surf join forces. Alaia anyone ? Dvd anyone ?

VORTEX (Brian Peterson) has joined forces with Tom Morey on the CATCH SURF project, shaping little soft boards (that look pretty fun though for windy, choppy, and small days !) and VORTEX boards.

San Clemente, CA – May 12, 2008 – Catch Surfboard Co. (Catch Surf™), makers of Tom Morey’s Surfboards by Y™, has acquired the surfboard manufacturing equipment of Vortex Board Co. (Vortex™). Catch Surf has also hired Brian Peterson of Vortex to lead its surfboard production efforts. With its new manufacturing facility in San Clemente, California, Catch Surf is now at the front-of-line in terms of technology and in-place soft surfboard production capacity.

If you’re into riding something different but still wanna be on your belly, then have a look at this:


HELENSVALE, QLD – Science Is proud to announce that it has joined forces with legendary shaper Tom Wegener to produce the MS Alaia model for 2008.

The Alaia model is an authentic replica of the first surf craft, and is also the first fully sustainable environmental bodyboard that has a carbon positive footprint through its growth cycle.

Tom Wegener said, “Each board is hand made by myself or my brother Jon, the sawdust from the boards go into my compost along with newspapers and lawn clippings and ends up as great soil in my garden beds. There is no waste!”

“The board is a complete blast to ride, especially on those smaller days when you might otherwise drive away from the waves. The board generates so much speed even on the smallest of waves”. Mike Stewart said.

There will be only 25 of the Alaia model handmade for the Australian market and each will be signed and numbered by Mike Stewart. They will be available from early July and are a true collectors item that are designed to be enjoyed in the water when they are not hanging on your wall.

Pictures here: Mike holding his new wooden baby, and some kid riding it. Oh and here is one guy doing a 15 feet reverse air with the Alaia board !

Other than that, the Benny Player / Waldron Bros. DVD project seems to get closer and closer with the release of this little teaser on Benny’s website: here’s the link. Can’t wait to watch the DVD !

South African DVD Pull the Plug 2 is now available.

South African DVD PULL THE PLUG 2 which we talked about a while ago is now officially distributed in heaps more countries than just South Af. Make sure to watch the teaser here. If you’re in Europe, you can find the DVD here on the Xtreme video online shop who’s distributing it thru europe for about 19.99 euros. Oz and US will probably have the DVD soon also.

We’ll review this video ASAP.

Boards enhancements anyone ? dvd and threads maybe ?

Ok, so we’re back in business, and sadly also back from indo where we had a great time. It’s been pretty inspiring to see and ride with the NMD and VS crew in Bali the last couple weeks. I’m sure the Waldron Bros will have insane footage from the crew very very soon.

Anyway, while scanning the world wide web and our email box for tasty news to feed our readers with, we found out that we forgot to talk about a couple new boards enhancement and industry news.

To start with if you’re in oz, make sure you log on and check Todd and Jarrod’s new Black Label limited edition stock boards. They look pretty damn good.

Nomad has recently introduced a cool innovation to they boards core, it’s called “Engineered Flex Core”. From what we read it’s basically a core that has 3 flat stringers in it, the stringers being “encased inside the core during its manufacture”. The core seems to be made specifically for bbing, unlike classic PE or PP blanks that are usually not made specifically for bbing but for heaps more industries. Anyway, log on the Nomad site to read more and check the tech graphic to see what we’re talking about.

Last but not least Science is also innovating in 2008 with a new LTD range of boards, including the new Thomas Robinson board and MS1 board, using a special deck material called “Compression Cell” to reduce the impact on landings. Here’s a preview of the MS1 board.

The I AM NONE guys have been busy working on a new movie called THRASH, which should be another great DVD, considering how good VIDEO and ROAM where… Check the THRASH website here and the teaser here.

Grand Flavour just updated they website with a new winter 08 range, which looks cooler than ever. Peep the whole range here on the site.

The Waldron Bros. podcast

The Waldron Bros. have just launched a new podcast (notice the BOOM! banner on your right ?) on their website, here’s what Chad and Kane have to say about their new podcast:

BOOM! is a bodyboarding video podcast featuring highest quality riding and latest footage, including sessions around oz, rider profiles, overseas trips, IBA, BBA and other events.

This is the only place you will see Waldron Bros footage this year (not including the Ben Project Out xmass 08) so dont miss out on the gnarlest new product to hit the scene. Subscribe Now so that you don’t miss out.

Current episodes available are:
Ryan Hardy’s Section from Our 1st DVD Vague opportunities
NSW section From out 2nd feature DVD Raised Heights

Coming soon to BOOM! bodyboarding podcast are:
South coast section from denis
Pierre Louis Costes Profile Section brought to you by VS

Check for more.

Boss it up releases LOVE LIVE LIFE

Boss It Up has done it again in 2008 and proudly presents a new DVD called “Love Live Life”.

Capturing the essence of Bodyboard as a sport and as a lifestyle worldwide this movie documents the life we love and live in several different locations. From Portugal to Australia, stopping in some Atlantic Islands and passing trough Brazil and Indonesia, you can imagine the outcome. Plus Euro Freak Fest stroke Portugal in 2007 and Boss It Up was responsible for that along side FFAT Manny Vargas.
Starring Gonçalo Pitaça, Amaury Lavernhe, Gastão Entrudo, Jeff Hubbard, Hugo Pinheiro, Glen Thurston and friends.
Boss It Up doesn’t just represents Bodyboard and promote it. We love it, we live it and it’s our life. Love Live Life

Check the trailer here on Youtube. It’s pretty good, with great footage and a sick metal-opera soundtrack ha yewwwwwww.

We’ll review it soon (hopefully).

Podcasts and vids

We’ve just added more clips on the Spongercity Podcast, and enhanced the podcast. Because we updated the whole podcast you will probably end up seeing some clips as “new” in iTunes but you might have them already… so download and delete or delete all clips you have and download all clips again, the new server we have is pretty fast from what we’ve seen so far.

Anyway, new on the podcast: Draw teaser, Hello Teaser, Us Here Now Teaser and more clips.

Our podcast changes should be taken into account on the iTunes Music store within the next 24-48H. If you type “spongercity” on iTunes music store you’ll find the podcast. If you wanna learn more check our podcast page here.

Talking about Podcast, Movement Mag now has a podcast as well, and they will upload the Movement Teasers on their podcast as well.

Last but not least, South African Pull the Plug Production is releasing Pull the Plug 2 very soon and premiering it on the 15th of March at the Imax cinema in Gateways Theatre of Shopping, Durban, South Africa. Heres a link to the film’s trailer.

They will be selling copies off of , they ship worldwide at an affordable rate. DVD Review coming soon on Spongercity !

The Waldron Bros love you

Yes, that’s right, Chad and Kane Waldron love you and here’s why:

We have just added a subscribe bar directly above this blog. When you subscribe and become a WBP member you receive personal emails which containing major news, special clips only relesed to members and bonus section hints and tips.

Every weekend for the next wo month our members will be kicking it old school and receiving sections extracted from Previous WBP releases. All members who subscribe during this time will go in the draw to win 1 of 3 signed copes of “There’s No I”.

All you have to do is put your email in the space provided and press enter. A confirmation email will be sent to you so make sure you click on the confirm link. We promise your email address won’t be sent to any annoying spamers.


Make sure you log on their site and subscribe, and watchout for some more clips from the Waldron Bros on the Podcast very soon !

5 South Mixtapes Vol.2 is coming

The cool people at 5-South started editing their second Mixtapes video (Vol2) and you can peep a bunch of framegrabs here on their site. We couldnt be more stoked when we read that in the latest 5-South news: P.S.Paul Roach will have a full section

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