Archive for Moving Pictures

There’s more before There is no i…

Yeah that’s right, there’s more before “There’s no i in team”, the Waldron DVD which will be available in November. More what ? More moving pictures my friends!
The Waldron Bros are releasing a new DVD before “There is no i in team”, as early as September. Here a some frame grabs from the upcoming movie: Chris here and Cade here. This new movie is called “Insert Name Here _” and will feature all riders but Ben Player and the “There is no i” Team for obvious reasons, Ben has been filming for his own project with the Waldron Bros and “There is no i” will be out 2 months after “Insert Name Here _”.
Peep the cool ad for “Insert Name here _”.

Detailed sections: Hubb, Crrey Mc Lean, Hawaii (every one), Qld Oz, South Coast Oz, WA, IBA, mix section, Chile.

Vert Mag, Cartel, Moving Pictures

Vert Mag issue 81 is out in Portugal. Inside, you’l find articles on Madeira, Azores and plenty more, including a fantastic big session Down Under… All portuguese speaking spongers beware: this is a real magazine with real pics and good content. Props to the VERT crew. Speaking about Vert mag: congrats Filipe Martins Gomes, you won the Spongercity Tshirt. Tomorrow we’re sending it with a bunch of Spongercity stickers mate!

Cartel Board Co. got themselves a new team rider: Brandon Perreira.

We fell upon another cool video project on the MOVEMENT Mag blog. Simon Fisher and Grant Tyrell are the 2 blokes behind this project. It’s called Dot Dot Dash and the arty look and editing sounds sweet. Watch the teaser here.

Boards, contests, parties, videos…

Lots of news this week. First of all congrats to french shredder Amaury Laverhne and Kira for winning the Sopelana contest in Spain, respectively Men and Women divisions. Amaury’s been surfing really well this year in both small and massive waves and will certainly surprise a lot of people in the up coming events. Sintra, Portugal is the next stop on the world tour. Watchout for this event. We hope waves will be good. Manny Vargas and the FFAT crew will make sure you’re having a good time in Portugal at the Freak Fest. Check the FFAT site to learn more.

We talked about the NEW BZ boards and website a while a ago and we just received the BZ euro Catalog (right click to dowload the Catalog – jpg Poster) from our good friends at BZ europe. I cant really tell the difference between the euro range and the international range. All i know is that the boards are made by Mez and that’s all you need to know. Great shapes, great materials. BZ is back in the game for 07/08. Peep the boards here if you’re in europe. Peep the website if you’re somewhere else on this small planet.

And talking about BZ boards, that story is pretty good: Hubb took a plane to Spain for the Sopelana contest, they lost his boards and fins (yewww! another great airline company!), Hubb waits, nothing comes, so he decides to go to the nearest shop and buy his own board model and viper fins! Ha, how cool is that! Check Hubb stoked with his new board.

Last but not least: if you are a Pussybooger check this great DVD teaser here. Fucken’ sick.

Update: CARTEL BOARD CO. last minute NEWS: If you’re chilling in SW France on the 25th of August come to the Cartel Party. Check the flyer here.

No Friends 10 – Decade: Teaser

Moving pictures: The long awaited NF10 teaser is now available, watch it here on the IamNone website. Filmed by Liam O’Brian, Edited by Todd Barnes (V-I-D-E-O). The teaser’s fucken sick, with Todd’s smooth and arty editing. We’re frothing. It’s been 10 years now. We’re still as pumped as ever. Remember the day you watched NF1 ? We still do and it was goooood. Watchout for NF10 soon…

We’ll add the teaser to the Spongercity Podcast between today and tomorrow so make sure you refresh your iTunes podcast subscription to get it within the next 24hours. Yewwww. No more boring days at school with heaps of clips on your iPod. The days when you had to draw waves on your school books waiting for the end of the day is over!

NF Decade premiere dates and 662 teaser

Cali bbers, and Cali travellers, this one’s for you: Nofriends will have premieres on the following dates and locations for their upcoming DECADE Dvd:

  • Pismo – Aug 23rd
  • Mission Viejo – Aug 24th
  • San Diego – Aug 25th

More cali updates: here is the teaser of the new 662Mob video. We digg the massive backside snap Mason throws. CLICK FOR TEASER HERE. (Quicktime Video)

There is no i… on the podcast

We updated the Podcast with the “There is no i” DVD Teaser. The DVD will be out in Nov. 07. Refresh your iTunes Spongercity Podcast thing and enjoy. You can also watch and download the teaser on the media section or subscribe to the podcast if you haven’t yet.

“There is No i” – Teaser now available

Chad & Kane Waldron’s new movie teaser is now online. Watch it here: on their website. Tomorrow you’ll be able to download it from Spongercity and we will also upload this on the Spongercity Podcast for iPod fans.

Push the…

…Panic Button. Yeah, “Panic Button” is the name of the future DVD that Chad and Nick Jackson will release in December this year. The DVD will showcast that crazy session with Sean Virtue that made the cover of the last Riptide Mag. Their website isnt ready yet but a teaser and a first Podcast episode are already available and we found them both after a little investigation:
- Panic Button teaser.
- Panic Button Podcast Episode 1.
And remember when the DVD will be out – we told ya it was gonna be insane!

More vids anyone ?

Yes…more vids and video projects are coming. From what we heard the Jacksons bros (Chad and Nick) are working on a new project kinda following up where the Tension vids stopped. (yes Chris White stopped the Tensions videos). They already have insane images. Another project from Bryce Thurston called ROAM which we talked about earlier should be released sometimes in 2007. Last but not least we fell upon the FACES (click for teaser) video project that Movement Mag talks about on its blog. The teaser is super nice. Also coming soon is the “Same but different” DVD, watch their teasers here (teaser 1) and there (teaser 2). Looks good.
With all those DVDs coming we guarantee your DVD players are gonna have a hard time at the end of ‘07 ! Sofa surfing ahead !

Keep frothing til it’s out kiddos: NF 10 DVD Artwork

No Friends next flick called DECADE will certainly be a another great success. To keep you frothing til the DVD is out, here’s the cover: Decade DVD Cover! Nice and arty, as usual.

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