KING OF KINGS // Merlyn Moon

King of Kings DVD cover This dvd shows West Oz underground talents and waves and there’s plenty of both out there. Five riders have their own section : Phil Bane, Lee Szczepanski, Paul Iskov, Chris Nelson and Clay Berry. The 5 guys are really good and have solid sections. Makes you wonder how many good underground riders there must be in West Oz…

There’s also a section with the big names like Hardy and Virtue and a ‘world’ section with mixed sessions from Hawaii and Chile etc… The quality of the footage is good and the editing clean. The intro is a bit too long. The music is either hip hop or punk rock. Hip hop doesnt match bodyboarding well i think but it’s just my opinion. Or at least not all songs are good for a video part.

Anyway, it’s a nice video for a first one, the stunts between sections are pretty stupid but worth watching, at least Steeve-o levelled ! The name of the video made us think we were gonna watch a lot of big names and well known riders but it’s not the case so it’s a bit disappointing in a way.

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