What to bring when you go on a trip ?

This is our latest addition to our TRAVEL TIPS series. What to bring when you go on a trip ? The question is often asked and although the answer depends on where you’re heading, there’s heaps of things we always need when we leave home, and there’s heaps of things we always forget.

Remember that time when you couldn’t plug your camera charger because the local plugs were “1 hole different” from the ones you use at home ? Remember last time you lost a fin in the middle of nowhere and couldnt find one to buy ? Remember when you lost your malaria pills on the boat ?

Yes you do. And we do as well. So here’s a list you can use as a reminder before you go, we tried to think of everything, but we surely forgot some important things so dont hesitate to add more stuff in the comments, and we’ll add them in the “official” list right away.

Go to the list.

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