Interview – Thomas Robinson talks about

We interviewed Thom Robinson the other day about his new project with James Kates: – Thom was cool and answered really quickly. Here’s more about Highwaydaze

SC: Hey Thomas howdy ?
Thom Robinson: Yer good, just cruising waiting around for the shark island comp to hopefully pump.

SC: Can you introduce the Highwaydaze project ?
Thom Robinson: Highwaydaze is basically the product of having alot of spare time and wanting to make something.

SC: Who are you doing this with?
Thom Robinson: Well its basically just james kates and myself but dave fox has helped alot by actually making the site for us. we are lucky in the sense that we are surrounded by alot of really talented people so a heap of them will be contributing along the way.

SC: What can we expect from this new project ?
Thom Robinson: Wave riding in a few different styles, photos, videos, drawings… hopefully any art-form you can view through a computer screen.

SC: How different is this project from others ?
Thom Robinson: It seems to be more arty and personal, can you develop ? as far as professional bodyboarders and websites go i guess its taking a slightly different path. it feels good in the sense that anything on there is made by us or one of our friends and not some company trying to jam something down your throat.

SC: What’s coming next from mister Robinson ?
Thom Robinson: Are you filming or planning any trip for this Winter in Oz or somewhere else on the planet ? at the moment im just trying to film for the website and save some money for a round world trip i have planned for later in the year to work on a DVD project which should be out for christmas.

Thanks Thom!

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