Archive for International

This is the kinda video clip…

…that we like to watch over and over. Super good footage of Dallas Singer, great editing and images:

A couple of months with Dallas Singer surfing around his home in NSW – Presented by Lyfe Media, IAMNONE, 4Play, Inverted and Dunes – Directed, Filmed & Edited by Robert Sherwood – Additional filming Aria Pourpozorgi & Cameron Mccullough

SURGE MAG Issue 3.0 coming soon !

Surge Media Group | is proud to release the cover of Surge Version 3.0. The cover showcases Kona Kuailani doing an air reverse at an outer island spot in the island chain of Hawaii. The photograph was taken by none other than Damien “Dooma” Antioco, also known as Dooma Photos.

Version 3.0 covers both six time world champion Guilherme Tamega and four time dropknee world champion Dave Hubbard. Also, there is an article dedicated to this past winter season on the North Shore. Plus the staple sections: Style & Power, Empties, The DK Life, and so on.

Expect the release of Version 3.0 within about a week or two!

Check the cover here: SURGE 3.0 COVER

Bobby Martinez…

Looks like the IBA format and boogie vibes would fit pro surfer Bobby Martinez better than the ASP format hey ! We like Bobby’s surfing and this video shows we were right, the guy stays true to himself and tells the ASP what he thinks and tells everyone how he feels.

Happened in NYC Quik Pro earlier today:

“First of all, I’d like to say (and the ASP are going to fine me) ‘cuz I don’t want to be a part of this dumb f***ing wannabe tennis tour. All these pro surfers want to be tennis players. They want to do a halfway cutoff. How the f*** is somebody who’s not even competing against our caliber of surfers ahead of 100 of us on the one world ratings. They’ve never been here. They’ve never fucking made the right to surf against us, but now we’re ranked upon them. Come on now. That’s Bullshit. That’s why I ain’t going to these stupid contests no more. This is my last one because FTW, my sponsors is here and I just tell it like it is. This is my last one and I don’t like tennis. I don’t like the tour… Who gives a f***? You know what I mean?”

“I’ve been here before. I love this city. I’ll tell you right now, if my sponsor wasn’t here, I wouldn’t be here for this dumb contest. ASP? They f***ing…surfing’s going down the drain thanks to these people.” —Bobby Martinez

2011 British National Bodyboarding Comp Oct. 8 and 9

2011 British National Bodyboarding Comp Oct. 8 and 9 – Save the date if you’re in the UK ! 8-9 October 2011 – Porthtowan, Cornwall. Click here to view the event poster.

Got an email from main sponsor BodyboardHQ with the following details for the event:

The Nationals are provisionally scheduled for 8-9 October and will be the biggest event on the Auto-Sleepers British Bodyboard Club’s 5-event tour; potentially deciding the winner of the Tour’s Open, Drop Knee and Women’s sections.  

With generous cash prizes across all 8 divisions, the weekend will be set to pull in competitors from the length and breadth of the British Isles. 

The Nationals will crown the bodyboarding champions in the age divisions (U14, U16, U18, Seniors and Masters) and the Tour the Champions in the Open, Drop Knee and Women’s sections.

To keep abreast of developments on the Tour and further announcements including online entry forms check out or, alternatively for more information on the event and places to stay locally, please contact Dave at Bodyboard HQ on 01209 844806, you can also check the website at: or facebook: Bodyboard HQ for the very latest info on the contest.

More vids to watch this week !

Jake Stone – 2011 –
Eli Beach in the Canaries –
Michael Novy in South Oz –

ISO Mag Issue 7 – now online !

ISO Mag Issue 7 – now online ! Check it out: – Another great mag !

Josh Garner, viva la Mexico !

- Josh Garner – MEXICO PART I // ZICATELA – – Excellent !
- Josh Garner – MEXICO PART II // PUNTA COLORADA – – Excellent too !

Vids to watch !

More cool vids to watch this week:

- By now you must all have watched this already but in case you havent, you need to watch Matt Lackey getting shacked prone-stance with a gopro cam on his board:

- Also watch Kim Feast’s IN BETWEEN podcast intro: – Kim is surely the dker who charges the most right now, taking on heavy reefs and holding his rail like a master.

Uri, Eunate, Davo Fever

The SINTRA PRO final day saw Uri Valadao win the mens event, Eunate Aguirre the girls event and Dave Winchester the DK event. With the lack of good waves the show was far from being as good as Puerto a couple weeks before but it’s the way it is and it’s hard to have perfect waves at every locations, specially in europe. Nevermind, the tour is great, the organization, the live webcast, the comments and everything is seriously as good as it gets and we can once again thanks the IBA and all the people involved ! Seriously amazing !

PS: Appart from Manny who has the right (yes we think he does coz he’s rad) to wear a San Diego cap, all other commentators should wear one of the sponsors hat and one of the sponsors tshirt or the contest tshirt we reckon. That’s the only non-professionnal move we’ve seen during the contest… Seriously, with bodyboarding struggling to find sponsors and investors, wearing a skateboard company cap or anything else non-related to bodyboarding and/or the event sends a really bad message to everyone watching and is probably pissing off sponsors and maybe aspiring sponsors… (our 2 cents…) We’re telling the kids everyday to support the industry and those who support us so… please do so, specially if you’re commenting in the IBA booth or appearing anywhere on TV.

Watch the final clips and check everything IBA here on the IBA site:

Videos to watch this week

Once again, a little recap for this week with cool clips to watch online:

- Josh Garner – 2011 – Sick waves and edit:
- Ivan Pulic – Super cool vid as well:
- Damien Martin, once again, ripping, 3 Days In The Dust:

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