DVD Review – FRONT

FRONT // Sean Manning

Front DVD cover This is the latest ROT video, it’s got a few pretty good stuff in it …
It starts with a weird intro, then comes really good puerto footage (watch out Brandon Foster in Dk ), then comes the sections of the vid’ with one rider per section:
Raffi first (nice but old footage), then Alistair Taylor (really good section), then Jeff Braggs (good Dk), Ben Player (nice & smooth as usual), Rob Crawford (wedge stuff), Mason Rose (other good Dker), Brian Wise (music sucks), Brian Pearson, Joe Grodzen and Matt Lackey (more good DK). Chris monroe comes last.

No good bonus in the DVD version.
Some of the music is good like the Ramones (B. Player’s part) or Cat Stevens (Alistair’s)…

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