Archive for November, 2006


RETROSPECT Vol.2 // Rush Prod.

Retrospect Vol.2 DVD cover RETROSPECT VOL. 2 is the second baby of the RUSH Retrospect trilogy. Read the review we did for RETROSPECT VOL. 1 if you havent seen what it’s all about. This time the DVD has 2 separate videos : one for prone and one for DK !

On the prone video you’ll discover or re-discover (depends if you’re a 40 year old dad or a 12 y.o kiddo) a bunch of all time pros and sessions from the last 10 years or so. Even if we’ve already seen most of the footage in the old ‘Underground Tapes’ or Rush videos, it feels good to watch a nice ‘best of’. The editing isnt really good but the images and the stoke are here.

The DropKnee video is a nice mix of influent riders, short interviews, and a little bit of DK history. I wish there were more Roach footage in it but his pipe footage is nice. All the crème de la crème of dropkneeing is in the video. Rush production have so many hours of footage that it was probably really hard to choose which images and sessions should be in the video.

Retrospect Vol.2 DVD isnt a perfect bodyboarding anthology and isnt really an arty video but it’s a cool best of what happened the last 10 years, and damn ! it’s got an all-dropknee video inside !

DVD Review – TENSION 8

TENSION 8 // Chris White

Tension 8 DVD cover Tension 8 : “Crouching tension hidden camera”. The dvd is as nuts as its title : it’s awesome ! Once again Chris White came up with a great video. Probably not as good as Tension 7 because Tension 7 was very well edited and had a special ‘vacation’ mood which was really really nice. Tension 8 is action packed with great sessions, great riders and great locations.

The crew is pretty much the same : Virtue, Toby and Benny Player, Hardy, Rawlins, Whitey, Winny, Hughes, Jackson etc. You’re guaranteed to burst out laugh with the stupid ideas White and his mates have when they dont surf. The music is electro oriented this time with old school dance stuff and house shit. Like it or not, those crappy songs set a special mood in the video which you will enjoy (or get used to at least) very quickly. Only Tension videos have the right to use such crappy music in bbing dvds. Dont try to imitate this at home kids !

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