Archive for International

We’re stubborn idiots

For many reasons we have not been covering the ISA world bodyboard championships on – sorry about this. We have received some PR stuff but it’s all in Spanish and we only speak a little spanish, not enough to really be able to translate it.

Other than that we never understood how someone could be crowned “world champ” in one comp. A comp is a comp, a winner is a winner, it’s awesome to win a comp but how can you say you’re a “world champ” if you won one comp where 50% of the world top pros haven’t even showed up ?

Other than that the ISA is mostly managed by stand ups (we stand up surf too and love surfing as much as bodyboarding). We like things to be separated for many reasons. We believe each sport should have its independency. In most countries bodyboarding is part of the surfing federations or associations or whatever you call it. That sucks. To each sport its federation or association. Bodyboarders have been looked down on since ever, they’ve coped with stupid nicknames and clichés since ever and now they should be happy to be part of another sport federation ? Nah. Sorry but we believe in independency and we reckon bbers should drive their own destiny and make it happen for themselves even if it’s harder this way. Once again this has nothing to do with surfing, we love surfing as much as bodyboarding but we just think it’s normal for each sport to have their own structures. Same as wakeboarding is not associated with kayaking.

Other than that we’ve looked for a website and a live webcast for the ISA but couldnt find antyhing on Google and then when someone pointed us to a website that might be able to give us answers it seemed that we needed to login to watch a live event. We don’t login anywhere to watch a live event, sorry.

So, yes we might be stubborn idiots but we’re sure there are tons of other stubborn idiots like us out there supporting core bodyboarding and independent bodyboarding such as the IBA World Tour and other bodyboarders-owned-and-operated events.

Sorry for being so “extreme” or stupidly “hardcore” and we must confess this whole article doesn’t have much to do with the ISA event but it’s just some stuff we wanted to say and we just did now. Thanks for reading.

Goncalo “Pitaça” Campos in Philippines & Portugal !

Portuguese shredder Goncalo “Pitaça” Campos in Philippines & Portugal

Good style and perfect waves !

PLC in Reunion Island

A little clip of PLC free-surfing in Reunion Island a couple weeks ago, edited by his girlfriend:

October 2011
An amazing Season in Reunion Island discovering the wonderful places, enjoying the Creole lifestyle and living the adrenaline of a Grand Slam competition Iba Reunion Pro … with Pierre Louis Costes!

Song : Angus and Julia Stone – All the colours

Congratulations Eunate ! World Champ !

Eunate Aguirre is the new 2011 World Champ ! Congrats’ Eunate ! Yewwwww

We interviewed Eunate a few months ago on – we knew it ! ha !

Read the interview here:

Jase Finlay on video
Edited by Allan Wilson with Footage from Stoke Machine and Allan Wilson.

PS: Jase will have a new board sponsor soon…

Azores Bodyboard Festival

Follow the Azores Bodyboard Festival here: (GQS Series).

The first day of the Azores Bodyboarding Festival went down in perfect 2 mtr waves today.

The race for the WWT world title continues with both Isabella Sousa (Brazil) and Eunate Aguirre (Basque) progressing through their first round heats

In the Men’s GQS event Tom Rigby and Jones Russell along with Sergio Alonzo progressed as the edge ever closer to spot on next years GSS.

The waves for the window look great and you can follow all the action here at the official website or here on the dedicated facebook page

The Mega Movie

Fuck yeah that’s good – Mind-blowing moving pictures…

Dont miss the premiere on the 3rd of Dec. 11 if you’re around Sydney.

SUPPORTED BY: Le Boogie, Grand Flavour, Zion
FEATURING: Ben Player, Michael Novy, Tom Rigby, Jason Finlay, Cade Sharp, Chris James, Max Arent, Thomas Robinson, Chris Wilson, Matt Young, James Kates, Brendan Backshall, Dave Winchester and many others
PREMIERE: Sat 3rd December, Avalon RSL 8:30pm All Ages $10 at the door
In stores early December
For more info visit the facebook fan page:

This must be related to Bodyboarding, it must !

It’s been dropped on the Movement Mag Youtube Channel so it must, somehow, be related to Bodyboarding. Oh well, we’ll watch it anyway: – You should also watch it too, yep. We insist.

Sick !

Check the teaser for the Jake Stone profile in Movement Mag issue 38: Behind the scene during the photoshoot – – Crazy all the work for just a shoot ! Looks super good !

From Movement TV:
Issue 38 saw a very different approach to the Pro-rider profile photo shoot. Our freshly initiated editor in chief decided to try out this optical illusion he had stumbled across called “Anamorphic Typography”. This art form is the process of painting type (or could be an image) on an uneven surface to create a hologram like illusion that can only be viewed correctly if standing in the perfect spot. The MMTV crew shot behind the scenes at Rod Owen’s photo shoot for the mag to show you just how crazy the illusion is!

Check out the Jake Stone profile in Issue 38 out this week.

More clips to watch

Clips to watch today:

- Kim Feast In-Between – Part 6 – ‘outro’ –
- Unite TV Ep1. – WINSTON McCALL –
- Le Boogie Issue 9 Teaser –
- Max Arent – Ep2 –
- Ben Player – Movement Mag TV –

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