Archive for International

The 2011 Update of the shortlist

In November 2010 we listed a massive amount of brands and told you were they were made. We updated this list with the 2011 info we have. Check it out here:

Important: If you’re a board maker or a brand and would like to modify / enhance / remove something from the list feel free to contact

IBA – ZICATELA PRO – is ON right now ! (Round 3)

Watch it live here:

What separates him from us…

Ben Player TWO ZERO TEN & ONE HALF – Edited by Todd Barnes. Mind blowing.


WITHINcast Episode 1

Fuckin’ nuts ! Watch this now:

IBA Tour – Zicatela Pro – Round 1

Round 1 of the Zicatela Pro took place yesterday in massive waves. Check it out on video and check Dallas Singer’s huge invert at the end of the clip ! Boom !

Watch it here:

IBA TOUR – ZICATELA PRO – Puerto Escondido

The Zicatela Pro in Puerto Escondido, Mexico just started with 2 consecutive days of trials. It’s the 4th stop on the world tour on a total of 8 stops. Don’t miss the event and watch / follow it LIVE on the IBA site and

PUERTO ESCONDIDO, Oaxaca / Mexico (Wednesday, Aug 5, 2011) – With Day 2 of the trials complete, the field of competitors vying for the 8 slots available in the Grand Slam main event has been withered down to the top 32. The groomed offshore and crystal blue water made for excellent conditions as solid 2 meter barrels reeled across the sandbars of Puerto Escondido. Standout performances included Fabio Rodriguez (BRA), Babby Quinones (PR) and Jorge Colomer (PR). The remaining quarter finalists need to advance into the semifinals to secure their place amongst the elite top 24 in the 2011 AGIT/Turbo Zicatela Pro Grand Slam.

Already available on video:
Trials Day 1 –
Trials Day 2 –×5nm9A

For more info:


…is coming soon ! Good news ! West Oz dker Kim Feast is working on his website and a series of video clips (In-Between). All dkers should digg this ! We’ll keep you updated as soon as the website goes live. In the mean this check it out anyways coz’ there’s a good video there:

Have you also watched the In-Between teaser ? Check it out: In-Between –

Come Hell or High Water – The Movie

Come Hell or High Water is an upcoming movie about Bodysurfing exclusively by pro surfer Keith Malloy. Keith is well known for his stand up surfing movies and his talent on a surfboard but he’s also a bodysurfing lover and decided to make a movie about bodysurfing. Pretty cool if you ask us !

Peep the movie trailer here:

Woodshed Films presents Come Hell or High Water, an ode to body surfing by Keith Malloy. Fall 2011

The movie features Liz Clark, Mark Cunningham, Koa Watson, Crystal Thornburg, Fletcher Chouinard, Jeff Johnson, Belinda Baggs, Mike Stewart, Chris Malloy, Keith Malloy and many more…

LeBoogie 8 hits the news stands

LeBoogie 8 is now available : Check it out here on the LeBoogie site.

Excerpts from the LeBoogie website: You are not ready for the things we are about to show you. There is no way to prepare for any of this. Thousands of big waves and classic tricks and tropical colours that blind. You cannot expect Eppo to tell you about the time Mike Stewart exposed himself in a caravan park. Or Cade Sharp cuddling the very girls he despises. Or a nobody like Caleb Davenport nailing a cover shot and suddenly becoming a somebody. Poisonous snakes are not normal. Graveyards and bottles of wine and bare skin and pure evil is not normal.

And you will gasp. Is this really happening? Is any of this even real?
le BOOGIE issue 8

Vids of the week – A selection of clips to be watched this week !

- Jones Russell – Podcast Espiode 1 –
- Matt Lackey – Tails From The Darkside –
- Damien Martin –
- Tails from the Darkside – Day Tripping –
- HB Bodyboards – James Kates – Winter Crest –
- HB Bodyboards – Nick Rubix – Samoa –
- In-Between – Kim Feast Mini-Series (Riders: Adnane Benslimane, Damien Boone, Miles Kauhaahaa, Lewy Finnegan, Jack Robinson and Joe Jordanoff) –

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