Archive for International

Cheese, Chill & Look Straight

Just got an email from our buddy Greg M. with this link toward his latest video edit: – Absolutely brilliant editing, lights and shoot. Greg has been making bodyboarding video and editing various clips for ages now and is such a gifted/talented guy. Everything he does is classy and looks ace, from still pics to videos. We wish he had the time to edit a full bodyboarding video, he’d blow your mind soooo bad.

Cheese, Chill & Look Straight is a short video clip mixing the multiple faces and profiles converging in Bali Indonesia. Most of them are unknown folks, artists, surfers, tourists or workers from Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, Porto rico, France, California or Uk. They all were kind enough to give me 5 minutes of their time to say cheese, chill and (try) to look straight… Directing : Gregory Marguerie + Soundtrack : DANGER / 11H30

New GrandFlavour website and collection

Grand Flavour has a new website and collection (Summer 10/11) – Check it out here:

The short list

**Updated on March 2018

You’ve always wanted to know where your boards were made? Who shapes them? Which companies/boards come from the same factories ?

A lot of companies actually have their boards made in the same factories, it’s no secret. More hi-end boards are well-made and solid crafts. Some companies make customs and shape only their own boards (like Toobs, Basic Boards, Gato, Primo, Jimmy Linville, CustomX & Cartel for example), other companies shape for just a few different brands and other factories are way bigger and shape for dozens of brands.

Whether it is a board made in a large factory or a small factory you must know that all boards are hand-shaped. Sometimes the shaper is famous, sometimes it’s just a random guy in a factory but one way or another you need a man (a several mens) to build a good board.

- The PE, PP (or 3D or FRC or whatever core it is) core can be machine-cut with a CNC machine (like it is at the Mez factory in Surabaya, Indonesia) or it can be hand-cut by a shaper. The core is given a shape with a template and curves according to what board we want.
- The rocker is shaped on the core blank
- The Rails are cut (50/50 or 60/40 or 55/45)
- The channels and deck contours are shaped if there are contours on the board
- Then the slick and deck are laminated with a machine called a laminating/laminator machine (it’s like a big roll that’s super hot and thermo-seals the slick and the deck to the core of the board). Most laminators are pretty much the same but some are patented and kinda specific like the Buzz™ Laminator Technology developped by Buzz at Toobs which is currently used by Toobs, Mez & Dan Sivess, Todd Quigley & Jarrod Gibson for example.
- After that the rails (inner and outer rails) and tail have to be laminated to the core as well, which has to be done by the shaper.
- The stringer(s) is inserted in the core just before the tail is laminated.
- The prints or stamps are done after this.
- Then stickers and packaging+blister are put on the final product.

Make sure you watch the video we filmed at the Turbo factory a while ago in Port Macquarie, Aus. by the way:

The steps described above are more or less the main steps used but all factories and shapers. In small factories one shaper will do everything by himself but in larger factories each worker in the factory will have its own role and job to do on a board. For example one guy will help with lamination, then another will put the rails, another will put the tails etc.

Here’s a short list that should help you know better where your board(s) come from or who can shape you a custom board if you’re looking for a custom board. Note that these details are given as of today and the list and details may change as it goes. We’ll update this short list as often as we can.

Important: If you’re a board maker or a brand and would like to modify / enhance the list feel free to contact

There’s no particular order in the list. We must have forgotten some brands so please let us know if you’re not in the list and we’ll add you in here. We apologies in advance. If you’d like your brand to be removed from here let us know.

The Spongercity short list: (updated on July 2013)
TOOBS – Made at Toobs factory until recently, Morro Bay, CA. with stock boards now made by Mez (Broady Asia) in Indo
CUSTOMX USA – Made by SFP, Oceanside, CA.
CUSTOMX USA Customs – Made by Peter “PMA” Anaya at the SFP factory in Oceanside, CA.
CUSTOMX AUSTRALIA – Made in Taiwan (Agit)
CARTEL USA & EUROPE – Made by SFP, Oceanside, CA.
CARTEL USA & EUROPE Customs – Made by Peter “PMA” Anaya at the SFP factory in Oceanside, CA.
DIVISION71 – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
JL DESIGNS – Made in California by Jimmy Linville
CONGO BOARDS – Made in California by Jimmy Linville
BASIC BOARDS – Made in Australia by Redders
QCD Boards – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
QCD Customs – Made by Todd Quigley in Australia
Hardy Shapes – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
JG Boards – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
NMD – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory with Mez designs
NMD Customs – Made by Mez at the Broady factory (only for team riders, not for the public)
VS – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory with Mez / Dan Sivess
DSC – Dan Sivess Customs. Made by Dan Sivess in Indonesia at the Broady factory (only for team riders, not for the public). Dan also shapes customs for the HB team riders and other teams.
DRAG Boards Co. – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
MOREY – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
ELIT – Was made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory (Elit is not existing anymore since 2011)
SCIENCE – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
SNIPER – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
EMPIRE – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
TRIAD – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
HB – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory with Dan Sivess designs
BZ – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
BZ Customs – Made by Yamo in California (Available to the public) or Dan Sivess in Indonesia at the Broady factory (only for team riders)
BSD (Latest Re-Issued Boards) – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
GT Boards – Made in Taiwan by Agit
HUBBOARDS – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
PRIDE – Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
PRIDE customs – Made by Dan Sivess in Indonesia at the Broady factory (only for team riders)
TOYS – (Brand is not around anymore) Made by MEZ in Indonesia at the Broady factory
MANTA – Made in China (To Be Confirmed)
4PLAY – Made in China (To Be Confirmed)
TURBO (Australia) – Brand has been sold to TURBO Japan – Made in Taiwan by Agit
ROSSI – Made by Marc Rossouw in South Africa
FOUND BOARDS – Made in Taiwan by Agit
NOMAD – Made in Taiwan by Agit
NO6 – Made in Taiwan by Agit
RIP BOARDS – Made in Taiwan by Agit
MILK – Made Gato in Portugal. Customs can be ordered and are made by Gato
REFRESH – Made in Portugal by Gato
PRIMO Shapes – Made in France by Peio (Anglet), customs only. Available to the public
ARIN – Made in Spain
RESPECT – Made in Taiwan by Agit
WR RIDER – Made in Taiwan by Agit
ID BODYBOARDS – (Not sure if production still goes on for ID. ) Made in Taiwan by Agit
FUNKSHEN – Made in Taiwan by Agit
Deeply Bodyboards – Made in Taiwan by Agit

Did you know we have a Mac OSX widget for Spongercity ?

We never really advertise it (although it’s free) but we do have a cool Spongercity Mac OSX Widget for all Mac users out there. We coded that little widget a while ago and it’s very useful to check the latest news posts directly from your Mac Dashboard in 2 seconds! It works perfectly with all OSX versions and runs smoothly on all dashboards. Try it if you’ve got a Mac computer, it’s a pretty cool little feature.

You can download it for free here. (simply click the link and it will download automatically and ask you if you want to install it).


NOMAD’s third video project: TRAVERSE

Following the success of ROAM & ROAM II, Nomad is proud to officially announce the third film in their prestigious film series, TRAVERSE (click to see the new movie logo).
TRAVERSE will follow 12 months of the world’s best free surfers as they scour the globe facing all conditions thrown at them by mother nature. Sessions include locations such as New Zealand (seen in Riptide #178), Luna’s (seen in Le Boogie #5), Cook Islands (seen in both Le Boogie & Riptide), Western Australia, South Australia, Northern NSW, South Coast, and Tow sessions.

The project features the riding talents of Chris James, Max Arent-Highfield, Ewan Donnachie, Jono Bruce, Adam Luehman, Alex Halsey, Nick Mc Neill, Sacha Specker, Matt Lackey and more, and has been filmed by Dan Nicholls, Lucas Vazquez, Michael Jennings & Matt Lackey.
In the tradition of having great bodyboarding film editors for these projects in the past, including Todd Barnes, and Bryce Thurston previously, TRAVERSE will be edited by Claws & Teeth’s Dan Nicholls.

A teaser clip will follow soon. In the mean time check out this new Nomad FSD clip edited by Lucas Vazquez:

Follow TRAVERSE news on the web @ and facebook @

Pierre-Louis Costes joins CREATURES of Leisure

Pierre-Louis Costes just signed with CREATURES international. He’ll now be charging with CREATURES leashes around the globe.

Rheopaipo is back and has a new stringer technology under its hood

We just got some news from Rheopaipo and they seem to be coming back with a really good innovation. Check the press release and details below:

Iconic Australian Bodyboard brand RHEOPAIPO is back and is bringing to market “the biggest innovation in bodyboard design in many years”: The ISS, Interchangeable Stringer System TMISS – Interchangeable Stringer System™ (PATENT PENDING)

“I grew up with Rheopaipo Bodyboards, they had the best boards, best technology and the best riders when I was a grom.” says Stracky, Rheopaipo’s Brand Manager. “So in relaunching RHEO we simply didnt want to just add another brand to the overcrowded sameness that is currently available in boards. We sat down and thought about what we wanted in a board, and then went ahead and made it.”

Several years ago the geniuses at Xross Design approached Rheopaipo with concepts for an unrelated product. Discussion quickly turned to Bodyboards and the raw idea for the Interchangeable Stringer System was brought up. “I was stunned, it was exactly what we wanted and had been trying to figure out, I threw out all their other concepts and we’ve been developing ISS ever since.” – Stracky.

The new range of Rheopaipo Bodyboards have been specially crafted to use the new ISS technology so that the only visible difference to current boards is a small hole in the tail to accept the stringer. The system is 100% sealed in the board and locks tight to prevent the stringer from dislodging.

Imagine turning up at your favorite local break and its perfect 6-8 feet and hollow. Yesterday it was 2-3 foot onshore slop. So you pull the Soft Flex ISS stringer out of the board and replace it with a Stiff Flex ISS stringer that will better suit the faster walling waves on offer. This is the future of bodyboarding. Flex is arguably the most important aspect of board design & construction and now ISS puts you in control of how you ride.

Since the first stringer was placed inside the core of a bodyboard it has been a standard feature giving both rigidity and strength to the board while allowing a pre determined amount of flex. Herein lies the largest drawback to current stringer technology. Once inside the board, it is impossible to change the stringer without destroying the board. While all todays board companys compete to offer a variance of core materials to control flex they are still governed by type or number of stringers inside the board. So the simple solution is a system that allows you to interchange the stringers depending your needs.

ISS will be releasing a range of different flex stringers to suit different wave conditions, size & shape. You can even tailor the stringer setup for the riders size and weight or personal riding preference. The possibilities are endless. For more details and information on how to get your hands on one of these new boards visit:

Check some pictures from the new Boards and ISS technology here:
- The hole in the tail to put the stringer
- The board and its set of stringers
- The set of ISS stringers
- Another pic of the tail

More soon about this new technology and hopefully a board test to come on !

New website for STEALTH fins

STEALTH FINS got themselves a new website which you can browse thru here: Cool and classy website with all the fins models, riders etc.

Pierre-Louis Costes – Podcast Episode 2

The second episode of the Pierre-Louis Costes podcast is now online. Watch it here: and/or here on

Le Boogie Magazine issue 5…

…is now available.

Check out the cover and trailer for this issue here.

Here’s a little excerpt from the LeBoogie site:
Number five is alive. Somehow we trumped the last issue with even better photographs and stories. We sent three men into the jungle in search of google earth gold, we made men throw themselves into huge barrels promising them glory and girls (we only gave them printed memories). Have a poke around and find out who is the legend of Koots, why James Kates loves his life and what Chris James really thinks about the World Champion.
Speaking of the World Champion, we predicted his success and interviewed him just prior to his title. Mike Mckiernan talks love, Tahiti and all things Amuary with our new World Champion. Kristian Geraghty has never won a world title nor will he. He has won more than you realise though and it’s a damn shame we all don’t know about it.
Pack the rest of this sexy beast with the best of the best images of the hottest riders on earth and the pitiful amount of cash you pay for this issue will leave you feeling like you owe us more. Pound for pound this just might be the best issue to date. Oh fuck it, it’s the best issue of any magazine in the history of the world!
You like sequence? You like water shot? You want big photo? You buy le BOOGIE ok…

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