Archive for International

The 2010 Shark Island Challenge

LWe’re a little late on this one, the Trials just finished and here are the Trials resuslts:

Brett young Memorial Trials – 1. Daniel Worsely 2. Sam Strachan 3. Shaun Petersen 4. Tom Smith (More details here on FLUIDZONE)

The main event is now about to start as soon as the waves hit the Shark Island break in Cronulla, NSW Australia. Here’s the heat draw already:

Heat 1
Adam Smith
John Showell
Ryan Hardy
Andrew Lester

Heat 2
Jason Finlay
Dave Winchester
Jared Houston
Damian King

Heat 3
Sam Strachen
Shaun Pyne
Nick Ormerod
Brenden Newton

Heat 4
Glen Sullivan
Daniel Worsely
Ben Player
Thomas Robinson

Stay tuned, we’ll keep you updated of all major happenings and in the main time you can read/watch/learn more about the event on

Real. Nice. Moving. Pictures.

Our friend Greg Marguerie sent us this really nice little video clip, shot in Reunion island with a 7D camera. (Note the classy blur effect on some of the footage, same cool effect you get on a still shot – “tilt shifting effect”). It’s called “The Hunger of Spoiled Children”. Watch it here.

Main Characters : Charly Chapelet, Lucas Vergnes, Sylvain Langlet & Guillaume Kapfer.
Directing : Gregory Marguerie
Sound : Flying Lotus – Sketchbook

We’ve got some DVDs to giveaway in partnership with Amaury Lavernhe and Sniper

That’s right, for the release of the Amaury “Osmoz” DVD, Sniper Bodyboards and Amaury gave us 25 DVDs to give away on! The 25 first readers who send us an email with their complete address (postal address) will receive the DVD for free. We’ll post the DVDs as it goes. We’ll let you know when we run out of DVD’s. We won’t give more than 25 copies so hurry up if you want one for free. When the stock we have is over the giveaway is over.

Please contact us by email, using the email address that is here on our INFO page Email address is info [at] spongercity [dot] com

Thanks heaps Sniper and Amaury for doing this and teaming up with us at Spongercity.

Michael Novy hurts his back

As we just read on Michael’s blog today, “Michael Novy suffered major back injuries after a heavy beat down at Indies on the NSW Central Coast this morning”. – Michael said “I just got out of hospital, got three fractured vertebrae. No damage to my spinal cord though, just two months outta the water and plenty of physio”.

We hope Michael will get better very quickly and will be back in the water soon.

Riptide issue 176 now available

It’s the “underwater issue” and it’s got a sick cover with Winny, shot by Trent Mitchell in Samoa. Beautiful shot and colors. Check the cover out here on the Riptide website and also check what Winny has to say about the cover and the shot here on Winny’s Blog.

Agent 18 signs Hubb

What was kinda of just a rumor is now official, Jeff “Hubb” Hubbard rides for Agent 18 now. There’s a cool little video clip of Jeff ripping with his new springy from Agent 18 here on the Riptide website. Jeff rips. So much speed and projection out of small waves on that clip.

Peru Inka Challenge – PLC on top !

Yeah Pierre ! Pierre Louis Costes nails it and finishes first in a french final against Amaury Lavernhe. Congrats guys ! and congrats Pierre !

Don’t miss the video here with the final day of the event and PLC’s monster backflip. The biggest we’ve seen on video and probably the biggest ever completed since Tom Morey started boogieboarding decades ago…

PLC and Amaury are the best watermen France has ever had, that’s for sure, whatever the water/wave sport is. No one freesurfs and competes in France at this level whether it is on a boogieboard, surf, SUP, kite… whatever water/wave sports you mention.

Peru Inka Challenge results are as follows
1st Pierre Louis Costes France 1st 1000 points
2nd Amaury Lavernhe Reunion 2nd 860 points
3rd Jared Houston Sth Africa 3rd 730 points
3rd Jeff Hubbard Hawaii 3rd 730 points

Mitch Rawlins launches his own board brand: Found Boards

That’s right, the rumor was in the air for a little while now and it’s official: Mitch starts his own bodyboard brand ! FOUND BOARDS

here’s Mitch talking about it on his own website:

“Its always been a dream of mine to start my own brand. Have team riders, team trips, sponsor local and world tour contest. Dreams of making the sport bigger and better so everyone can see that bodyboarding is actually a great sport right up there with surfing. So as of today I have started my own brand called Found boards. It’s the start of a vision I have been carrying for quite some time now. I am going into Found boards head first with total commitment in making it work. I have taken quite a lot of risk in the water and this is probably the biggest out of the water, it’s a new challenge I’m taking on and one I am looking forward to. My aim is to be uncompromised in the quality of Found boards and its products that’s my promise to you. There is going to a lot of exciting times coming up that I want you all to be apart of so I hope you can join me In my vision to make bodyboarding what it should be”.
Mitch Rawlins
Found boards

No info about the boards yet and where they’re made… we’ll keep you updated !

The Peru Inka Challenge (26th to 30th of May 2010)

The tour is now in Peru. The PERU INKA CHALLENGE is the 5th stop on the tour and should certainly be an interesting one to watch & follow ! We’ll keep you updated as it goes.

Winny wins the Arica Challenge

Winny won the Arica Challenge yesterday in good solid waves and nailed a 9.75 and a 10 in his heat to beat french hell man Amaury Lavernhe. Congrats Winny !

The contest was once again a great one to watch and the level of the riders was unbelievable. Ben Player, Winny, Hubb, Plc, Amaury… everyone shredding the El Gringo reef harder than ever.

You can watch the final day of competition right here:

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