Archive for International

This week’s video selection

Another cool batch of vids to watch this week! Read the rest of this entry »

Vids of the week

A massive selection of cool videos to watch this week! Read the rest of this entry »

The GoPro IBA Annaëlle Challenge is ON

The GoPro IBA Annaëlle Challenge is on ! From all over European coasts, all riders are making their way to the end of French Brittany to confront themselves to the notorious slab of Annaëlle, the contest will be launched on Wednesday and Thursday. Forecasts are announcing a big swell, with offshore winds making the perfect conditions for Annaëlle, with a sunshiny bonus on the little deserted island that will host the competition !

Will the Bask rider Alex Uranga keep his trophy? The locals are all waiting for this event since a year so they will not be easy to defeat !

As the island can’t be reached easily, like each year at the Annaëlle Challenge, the organisers cannot accept spectators or bring a live webcast.
Live results and photos will be published as mush as possible on the facebook page :

Complete report with photos & detailed results of the GoPro IBA Annaëlle Challenge will be published few days after the event, followed by video highlights.

Monday vids dopeness

Been a while since we had a little video dopeness, here’s a cool selection to watch today: Read the rest of this entry »

Isabela Sousa – 3xWorld Champ!

Congrats Isabela, 2013 Womens Bodyboarding World Champ! It makes Isabela a 3x World Champ!

Washing your wetsuit in your washing machine… good or bad idea?

Oh well, there’s no perfect answer to this question but we can definitely give you a little feedback and/or advice… we did try to wash our wetty in our washing machine and pretty much like everything in life there’s an easy way to avoid a catastroph: dont go too far or too extreme! Dont wash your brand new suit with a full on crazy 90°C washing cycle, that will of course damage your beloved piece of neoprene!

Most manufacturers will tell you not to wash your suit in a washing machine but we did it anyways, at 30°C with a gentle cycle, no dry-tumbling, no extra dryer of course, just a short and simple washing cycle (same as for a fragile 100% wool jumper for example), this is it. We used a little bit of washing machine liquid or powder but way less then the normal dose (maybe just a 1/4 of a dose). The result was great, the suit we washed was fully stretch again (with all the salt that left the neoprene material and the seams it makes the suit as stretch as it was new), it smelt good again and was doing fine (nothing delaminated or damaged).

When and why would you wash your suit in your washing machine you’re gonna ask? Well, we reckon it’s a good way to give your 1 or 2 years old suit a second life, it cleans it from salt, dirt, pee etc. and makes it feel comfy and stretch again. It works way better than the do it yourself hand-wash products available on the market and it’s cool if you’re a bit lazy. Do not do it on a brand new suit under warranty of course, dont be stupid, only do it on a suit that you dont really care about anymore or a suit you dont count on as your main suit for the coming winter. Do it on your second suit for example if you have two suits and this should definitely help keeping your old suit in a good shape, nice and clean.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for anything if you kill your suit trying to wash it but there aren’t high risks of damaging a suit if you only wash it with a gentle and quick washing cycle without a dryer cycle.

Vids of the week

This week’s selection of cool vids: Read the rest of this entry »

Cloak & Dagger Magazine Issue 3 out now

Read it here:

Riptide Mag leaves the Morrisson Media Group and gets sold

Riptide Mag leaves the Morrisson Media Group and gets sold to Riptide Designer / Developper Dave Heavyside so it’s still going and is now independent from any media group. Sounds good to us although it’s usually hard for smaller publications to survive without the power / finance of a larger group (moslty because publication rely heavily on advertisers which larger media group can attract more easily). Anyways, read the full story on le BOOGIE magazine’s website for more details about the news.

Vids of the week

Sorry for the lag in the updates this week, we were roadtripping thru Portugal! Yewwww

Here you go for this week: Read the rest of this entry »

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