Archive for International

Max, Griz, and Ewan Pillage the South Pacific

Max, Griz, and Ewan Pillage the South Pacific – Watch the video here:

Mid-week vids fix

Getting a fix of online clips mid-week is good !


- LeBoogie – Mexicunts:
- PLC in Chile and Mex:
- The VIKING II trailer ! –

A few days in Autumn…

A few days in Autumn… with South African and Soyroll™ Accessories team rider Greg Vorster: Inspiring vid ! How cold would you go to get waves ? Canada is where Greg lives at the moment and he’s been scoring some empty lineups. Only bears can eventually claim they’re locals.

Travelled from the Southern to Northern tips of Vancouver Island (Canada). The weather is great this time of year and the water temps still relatively warm.

Filmed by Emilie Ouellette
Riders : Greg Vorster and Vijay Maharaj

Song by : GOLDFISH – The Real Deal

Monday vids

Good video clips selection for today:

- Kim Feast – In-Between PART V – North Point:
- Scary – Brad Hughes 2 Wave Hold Down at The Right:
- Joe Clarke from then too now…
- Alex Lincoln – 2011:
- Cade Sharp in 3 days:
- Dew Innocend –
- Wolfman makes a video –
- Turbo V ltd Podcast – Starring Jared Houston in Mexico –
- Chout The World! – DVD Trailer –
- Liam Tomkins 2011 –
- Dallas Singer – B-Sides –

Familia Podcasts – EP.01 – Porkito

FAMILIA PODCASTS EP.01 – Porkito Dragão – Watch it here: – Charging in Praia Do Norte, Nazaré, Portugal. This is where the Special Edition contest is going to be held. Yewwwww

Interview – Mitch Rawlins

It seems to always take longer than expected to interview a rider and then release it on the website. We saw Mitch on the Goldie a while ago and had a little chat and Mitch was keen on doing the interview so we were stoked, got home, started writing down the questions for the interview and this is where is got hard: This is bodyboarding legend Mitch Rawlins ! We can’t really come up with shit questions and we can’t bother Mitch with lame questions. So we did our best to keep the interview interesting and with the quite-recent launch of FOUND boards in both OZ and Europe we thought it was the right time to release the interview . Hope you enjoy it.

Read the rest of this entry »

David Hubbard – This is why we love bbing

Sick video of Dub here – – showing us all how to use a boogieboard in the best way with style, control and fun. Dub is a master and can do it all like Kyle Maligro or Fred Booth a little while ago. This is inspiring and fresh, this is why we love bodyboarding, we want more of this! It’s versatile and has no limits. Serious fun !

Kingy’s new ride

Even though Kingy’s joking we felt bad for Glenn haha, funny video of Damian King introducing his new 2012 ride:

Grizzly is back and has a website

Chris “Grizzly” James is back in the game after a knee injury and he’s ripping harder than ever. Check this new vid of Griz and also check his new website here:

Grand Flavour’s new website and retail strategy

Grand Flavour’s new website is online and it looks fresh and cool with their new collection. GF has also decided to only sell online on their website from now on and not sell in bodyboard shops anymore. GF hasn’t really explained why or what motivated this decision but we at Spongercity think it’s actually quite cool in a way, for different reasons. Anyways, the brand and team and collection is cool so whatever they choose to do it’s cool.

We’ve given our opinion about it on the Movement Mag website here in the comments. Leave your opinion or comment on the Movement Mag site or here on this post if you want. We’d be curious to see what you guys think.

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